I just read through my blog and realized I've been silent for such a long time. I reviewed all my drafts but I felt there was no use publishing them now. It's been exactly two years. Things have changed, even my writing style has gone through quite an evolution.
Two years, WOW. I still can't believe it's been that long. My sister finally graduated and she's getting an Honours Bachelor's Degree from the University of Toronto! I am so proud!!!! (I just had to insert it somewhere here since I just received a text from her! LOL) I'm sure my sister can relate as to how long these past two years felt like but how ironically fast things went by.
I noticed in fb how people put a #100happydays hashtag and I wanted to do this for myself. With just a little twist, I'd like to blog about my 100 happy days instead. I read the rationale in their website and I am just looking forward to start mine.
This will make me remember the things that are very important to me. Here's a list of things I'd like to do on a daily basis and hopefully I can continue doing this for 100 days minimum:
- I want to say a small prayer of gratitude for every single moment of the day.
- I want to hug my husband first thing in the morning.
- I want to hug my kids for a minimum of 1 minute each every morning.
- I want to wake up at 6 AM every morning to cook breakfast for the family.
- I want to give myself 45 minutes to prepare before going out of the house (so I look like I'm actually going to an office)
- I should find time for exercise everyday (notice the change in verb LOL)
- I want to be an inspiration to others every single day, touch people's lives and leave a dose of positivity every time.
- I should meet with my executive assistant every 8:30 AM in the morning to run through the tasks that need to be done within the day.
- I should meet one new person everyday and learn from him/her.
- I should plan for the next day and write my blog between 9:30-10:30 PM.
- I want to read one new book every two weeks.
- Since I work every Saturday, I should be back home by 1 PM.
- More parlor: pedicure, facial, hair treatment.
- Moisturizer, Eye Cream, Sunblock, Lotion and Perfume
- I want to make every Sunday a Family Day.
After writing all of these down, I realized why I haven't had the time for almost everything else in the last two years. I've been putting my effort mostly in the wrong things, sometimes in the wrong people. To be truly successful in life we have to achieve balance because things have a way of catching up on us. These two long years have taught me my greatest lessons in life. So today, I'd like to move forward and make better memories 100 happy days at a time.
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